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Your tax-deductible charitable donation will make a lasting impact on the lives of hard-working local individuals and families, providing the opportunity of homeownership and passing the keys to a brighter future.
Homeowner mortgage payments are used to help fund Habitat programs, so each gift becomes a perpetual legacy of support.
Habitat homes provide far more than a roof overhead; they provide a foundation for individuals and families and children to succeed, becoming a stabilizing force for local communities.
For many individuals and families, homeownership means an end to frequent moves, which can cause children to fall behind in school and impact their social and emotional well-being. Quality, steady housing provides the basis for educational success.
Homeownership gives individuals and families the chance to establish financial security and roots in their communities—this is Habitat’s theory of change that we prove each and every day.
3630 50th Street
Lubbock, TX 79413