2020 Maximum Income Eligibility

Lubbock County, Texas

Median Income

These income guidelines are in effect until revised by HUD.

Gross income is important and we use it to determine the following:

1.Income Qualifications

Gross income is compared to the HUD guidelines for 30 to 60% of AMI, not to exceed 80% of AMI.

2.Housing Burden

LHFH does not cost burden a family for a mortgage payment over 30%.

3.Debt-to-income Ratio

As a basis for determining the debt to income ratio, which is a maximum of 43% total debt ratio to qualify.


Any adult that will be living in the house and whose income will be used to qualify for a house must be an applicant or co-applicant(s). Each applicant or co-applicant(s) must sign and be obligated for the LHFH mortgage. Possible Exception: should an adult be deemed disabled or incapacitated and cannot legally execute a contract, the legal caregiver to whom any benefits are paid directly to on behalf of the disabled/ incapacitated adult, to provide shelter, food, medical and basic needs, may use income as a qualifier. Appropriate documentation is required to prove that it will be received at least 2 years moving forward.

A LHFH Homeowner(s) must have sufficient monthly income to pay the LHFH mortgage, property taxes, homeowner’s insurance and in some cases homeowner association (HOA) dues without becoming debt- burdened.

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